
symbolism will be quite prominent within this piece; in the lighting, there will be three four different lighting stages, one being a plain spotlight and the others being different colours on my three installations, blue on the wedding dress for the telling of Catalina Lercaro’s story, the blue will represent the coldness and the water of the well in which she died. The second installation will be lit in yellow to represent the warmth and joy of the Canary Islands and of Canarian day. And the third will be lit in white to represent honesty and purity. All three of the colours lighting the installations together are also the colours of the Canarian flag.

Symbolism will also be prominent in the actions made such as at the end I will remove my hat and head scarf to represent separation from the Canaries while still being in costume to represent that though I am away I still carry the Canaries with me. As well as this I will have elements of symbolism in the projections such as an image of the statue shown in an earlier post of the man carrying his suitcases with a hole in his chest, this image will be projected with an image of me in the same pose imposed over the top, so the two become one.